News & Press Releases

Primary Ballots Set, Candidates May Not Be Added

COLUMBIA, S.C. (May 17, 2012) - On May 2, 2012, the S.C. Supreme Court issued its order in Anderson v. South Carolina State Election Commission, No. 27120 (S.C. Sup. Ct. filed May 2, 2012) requiring as follows:

We direct the appropriate official of the political parties to file with the State Election Commission or the appropriate county election commission, by noon on May 4, 2012, a list of only those non-exempt candidates who simultaneously filed an SEI and an SIC as required by § 8-13-1356(B).

Prior to noon on May 4, both the State Election Commission and the Lexington County Election Commission received certifications from the Republican Party State Executive Committee and the Lexington County Republican Party Executive Commission. Katrina Shealy was not certified as a candidate for Senate District 23. As an agency of the State of South Carolina, the State Election Commission has no authority to accept additional candidates after the May 4, 2012 noon deadline set by the Supreme Court in the Anderson decision. 

The June Primary ballots are set, ballots have been printed, voting machines have been prepared, and voters are voting. 

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